Work Packages

WP1: Project Management
Lead Beneficiary: Università degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD)
Project management aims to ensure HEREDITARY effective planning, implementation, coordination, and achievement of the project activities, including successfully completing the tasks and timely production of high-quality deliverables within the approved budget. To facilitate communication, decision-making, and coordinated development of all WPs, encourage and facilitate meaningful interaction between all partners, and manage conflict resolution.
WP2: Clinical Use Cases and Federated Networking Infrastructure
WP2 provides high-quality pre-processed clinical, research, and environmental data to the HEREDITARY consortium. It coordinates the clinical partners toward defining the use cases, clinical guidelines, and clinical outcomes analytics. It selects the environmental data relevant to the clinical use cases. WP2 develops the federated networking infrastructure for data management that feeds WP3 and WP4. The WP simultaneously retrieves data from the consortium data providers, leading to federated data provision, curation, and harmonization.

WP3: Multimodal Semantic Integration Platform
WP3 realizes a polystore as the backbone of the analytic infrastructure based on multimodal and multilingual semantic ontology. The ontology integrates text, genomic data, bioimages, and environmental data. Mapping to such an ontology, WP3 develops methods and the infrastructure for federated, privacy-preserving data analytics and learning by interacting with the infrastructure developed in WP2. It maps the semantic queries and analytics workflows into local dialects and defines execution plans, enabling the analytics and learning workflows in WP4 and visual analytics in WP5.
WP4: Multimodal Analytics and Learning Platform
WP4 aims at developing the learning and analytic platform allowing to extract information and investigate new relationships among multimodal data in the use case diseases. KGEs will be used for link prediction and knowledge graph completion in the knowledge graphs, which contain integrated data from heterogeneous sources. Self-supervised learning, data harmonization and integration approaches, combined with spatio-temporal analytics, will allow to infer relationships among multimodal data representations. WP4 interacts with WP3 for defining relationships between multimodal data and develops models and data representations which are then visualized for refinement in WP5.

WP5: Visual Analytics and Interaction
Develop interactive visualizations to discover, understand, and present connections identified by the analytical models on federated data. Enable domain and general users to build meaningful queries
WP6: Citizen Science and Public Engagement
The WP6 will involve different actors discussing, analyzing, and defining the research process through Health Social Labs, Public communication, and Policy impact training. Based on the Multimodal Semantic Integration Platform, the HSL will be activated with WP3. A correct public communication strategy will be developed through a unique toolkit and specific training to promote an adequate impact on specific health policies.

WP7: Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Frameworks
WP7 aims to identify, analyze and evaluate the ethical and legal requirements related to the project with a focus on inter alia the EU data protection and privacy (e.g., the GDPR), access to data, interoperability, data quality and data sharing in the health sector (e.g., EHDS), data governance, (cyber)security, and regulations applicable to AI systems. It will assist the consortium in aligning its activities with the proposed EHDS. and the legal and ethical aspects of the 1+MG initiative by explaining the legal and ethical standards for cross-border access to health data (e.g., genomic data) for research purposes. The tasks under this WP will go hand in hand with, in particular, the efforts under WP 2, 3, 4 and 6.
WP8: Exploitation, Innovation, Communication, and Dissemination
The objective of WP8 is to develop a strategy and action plan that the consortium can implement to increase awareness of the project’s accomplishments, disseminate them to relevant stakeholders, and ensure their sustainability beyond the project’s completion.

WP9: Ethics Requirements
Ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package, addressing all ethical considerations relevant to the project.