HetERogeneous sEmantic Data integratIon for the guT-bRain interplaY

About HEREDITARY Project

Our goal is to change the way we approach healthcare by unlocking insights that were previously impossible to obtain

HEREDITARY revolutionizes disease detection, treatment response preparation and medical knowledge exploration through an integrated framework that incorporates diverse health data, including genetics, while ensuring privacy compliance. Its five-layered structure enables advanced federated analytics to uncover new insights into neurodegenerative and gut microbiome-related disorders. By harmonizing clinical, genomic, and environmental data on a large scale, HEREDITARY empowers clinicians, researchers, and policymakers to develop more effective treatment and diagnosis strategies

Our objectives

Secure distributed system for multimodal health data linkage

To develop a federated, scalable, secure, and privacy-preserving system for linkage of health data enabling querying of multimodal data across sources and disease groups

Semantics-aware learning methods integrating multimodal & genomics data

To develop advanced analytics and learning methods for a better understanding of the risk factors, causes, development and optimal treatment for disorders related to the gut-brain interplay

Interactive data-driven solutions

To develop data-driven and evidence-based solutions to empower decision-making, prevention, information campaigns and strengthen citizen‘s trust

Expected outcomes

HEREDITARY framework

Use cases

Our research

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